This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and NutraMilk, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #TheNutraMilk
You can now make your own homemade nut butter and milk in less than 15 minutes with The NutraMilk!
I’ve always been curious about making my own milk, but the whole process seemed a bit much. To say that I was excited to learn of The NutraMilk appliance is an understatement. There is no other product like this machine – it’s a total game-changer for us! Not only can I make every variety of nut and seed milks that my family loves, but nut butters as well! And that’s just the beginning!
We rarely have dairy milk in our home. I made the switch to unsweetened almond milk about 7 years ago when I was living in Colorado. Initially I was trying to reduce my sugar intake anyway that I could. I loved almond milk so much, that I no longer liked the taste of dairy milk. My older son also made the transition seamlessly! We still eat other dairy products, but with milk, we’ve never looked back.
When I met my fiance, he was already drinking almond milk because he can’t tolerate much dairy in his diet. He prefers sweetened vanilla almond milk. Now, fast forward and we have grown to a family of 4. With one child liking the occasional treat of chocolate almond milk and the other on a special diet that consists partly of hemp milk, we have quite the variety of nut and seed milks in our home these days!
There are so many nutritious recipes that can be made with The NutraMilk. And, the best part – it’s super easy to use! Anyone can now make their own fresh alternative milks and butters in their own kitchen!
Homemade Nut Butter (or Seed Butter) with The NutraMilk
I want to show you how easy it is to make homemade nut butter first. For this demonstration, I am making homemade almond butter.
After following the simple set-up instructions, I add almonds (you can use whole almonds) to the inner bowl. Depending on your preferences, you can add other ingredients like honey, but for this demonstration, I am just making plain almond butter.
Press butter, then adjust the time according to the provided chart. Press start.
Watch as The NutraMilk turns plain almonds into almond butter as the timer counts down.
Pretty amazing, right?!
Homemade Nut Milk (or Seed Milk) with The Nutramilk
Now, let’s make almond milk!
To make most nut or seed milks, you need to first make butter.
Next, using the provided chart, add water to the nut butter. Again, you can add other ingredients, but for this demonstration, I am making unsweetened almond milk.
Press mix, then start. The milk goes through the filters in the inner bowl and collects in the outer bowl.
Once the timer is done, press dispense and start.
Place a bowl or pitcher under the spout and lift the lever to release the almond milk!
After you’re done making homemade nut butters or milk, cleaning up the NutraMilk is easy! Most parts are dishwasher safe, and they provide you with a brush to scrub the filters.
Other Uses of The NutraMilk
It’s pretty amazing learning of all the different types of recipes that you can make with The NutraMilk, in addition to nut butters and milk. Smoothies, dips, and hummus are a few other recipes you can make. I plan on using The NutraMilk to make my own sunflower seed butter and chocolate hazelnut butter next!
The NutraMilk appliance is super impressive. This is definitely an appliance that my family will get a ton of use out of!
If you drink plant-based alternative milks, enjoy nut butters, and have always wanted to make your own, I can not recommend the NutraMilk enough – this brilliant appliance will quickly become your new best friend in the kitchen! It’s amazing!
Pre-order now through 12/8 and use NUTRAMILK50 for $50 off MSRP and receive a free bonus storage container! Units will ship at the end of November (while supplies last)
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